400 Main Street SE

A Public Hearing is being held on Bylaw No. B-05/2025, being a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw No. B-01/2016 by redistricting the property legally described as Lot 9, Block 3, Plan 2590GU at 516 Centre Avenue NE from CS, Service Commercial District to M1, Neighbourhood Mixed Use District.

Immediately following the Public Hearing, Council will be asked to give three readings to the bylaw.

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Deputy Mayor Spearman proclaimed February 23 to March 1, 2025 as Freedom to Read Week in Airdrie and encourages all citizens to support and celebrate the freedom to read.

Council is being provided with an opportunity to engage with the Airdrie Legion with respect to Council’s request to move two silhouettes to a highly visible location along Veterans Boulevard and to add colour to the black powder coated metal design for the Veteran's Memorial Project.

Allan MacLeod, Partner and Jennifer Grieve, Business Administration Manager of Airdrie Tim Hortons Group are presenting Council with issues regarding effluent surcharges being imposed on their business under Sewer Bylaw No. B-11/2015.

Council is being asked to ratify a letter of support for the FearIsNotLove organization's application to the Province of Alberta’s Family Violence Prevention Grant for $188,000 in funding to increase its capacity and promotion of a prevention project called Men & in the Airdrie community.