400 Main Street SE

A Public Hearing is being held on Bylaw No. B-23/2024, being a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw B-01/2016 (LUB) by redistricting lands legally described as Lot 27 to 37, Block 1, Plan 2310879 and Lot 13 to 20, Block 32, Plan 2311179 (subject properties) from Narrow Lot Laned Residential District (R1-L) to Single Detached Residential District (R1), to allow for front-drive access single detached dwelling development and to remove the subject properties (19 lots) from Section 8.5.6 (5) Diagram 2: Locations for Dwelling, Garage Suite Overlay under R1-L Land Use District of the LUB.

Council will be asked to give three readings to the bylaw. 

There are no items.

There are no items.

Council is being asked to give Third Reading to Bylaw No. B-47/2023, being a bylaw to amend the West Hills Community Area Structure Plan by adding 233 hectares (576 acres).

Council is being provided with information and feedback gathered from other municipalities, stakeholders and accessory suite site tours, regarding potential changes to the City of Airdrie’s Land Use Bylaw regulations for accessory suites. 

Council is being presented with a request from RCMP Administration to extend the Airdrie Fair Access subsidy program to cover the costs of fingerprinting, criminal record checks, and vulnerable sector checks.

Council is being asked to approve an amendment to the May 7, 2024 Notice of Motion resolution 2024-C-183 for an Elected Officials Compensation and Resourcing Review.

Council is being presented with the successful applicant of the 2024 Mayor for a Day Challenge.

The Airdrie Board of Youth Affairs (ABYA) is presenting Council with their annual report for the 2023/2024 school year.

Councillor Spearman gave notice that she will be making a motion to direct Administration to conduct an accessibility audit, describe current best practices for this type of audit and the options for reviewing public and private facilities, research what private and public sector grants are available to fund the audit and/or work from the audit and return to Council with an estimated range for the time and resources required for this type of audit before December 1, 2024, as outlined in the attached Notice of Motion.

(City Manager updates Council on the progress of resolutions and inquiries of Council.) 

Civic Facility Update - Sections 19 and 29 (Confidential evaluations and information that is or will be available to the public) Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act


Land Update - Section 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act


Citizen Member Appointments - Section 29 (Information that is or will be available to the public) Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act


Council Workflows - Section 24 (Advice from officials) Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

